
Showing posts from October, 2023

5 per cent in current financial year after having

 The emperor of Japan during WWII was revered as a god incarnate. During negotiations to realize the surrender of Japan during the final days of WWII, the emperor had to be spared over the hundreds of thousands in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the emperor was considered to be a living god and you cannot kill god without destroying the planet. Emperor Hirohito was spared while the two cities were atom bombed to dust and radiological horror and this god was then forced to sign the articles of surrender to the US in front of his millions of his followers and worshippers. This henna artist is swapping hands for canvasesThe dark dye is used for traditional body artused to adorn hands with intricate patternsJORDANIAN HENNA ARTIST, BALQEES AL ABBADI, SAYING:"To be honest, you cannot imagine how happy I am when I explain to people how much I love this work and my passion can be felt while I explain the project and the painting. This house is an old building in Salt built by the yellow stone.